Multi Merchant Feature

Feature that provide one product have other offer from another merchant.
So customer can compare some information product with other product that come from other merchant like price, guarantee, shipped by and provided by.
We have some algorithm for decide which product that must become default product that shown and which product that just become other offer.
Customer also can see spesific product that only serve from specific merchant even that product have another offer.

Multi Merchant Feature

For deliver this feature we have make a big effort to re-structure our product data to seperate product into main product that will have other offer and product it self that specific to any merchant.

You can found sample here : Pulsa, Data and Token PLN

This is digital product services from that make customer can refill their prepaid voucher, internet package, and PLN prepaid Token.
Develop as Single Page Application that use AngularJS as main framework.
This page have adaptive layout, so you can get different experience and interface when you access from desktop and mobile device.
Check this page here

Bliblicom Pulsa

Bliblicom Pulsa Mobile

Bliblicom Pulsa Desktop

Tools : SpringMVC, AngularJS, SASS